
On the 10th of November 2023, the D-Twin Baltic combined workshop/study tour takes place as a hybrid event at RecoPark, Välavägen 198, Helsingborg, Sweden.

The workshop is free of charge. Send an e-mail (see contact)  to get the link for online participation. If you want to take part in person, please include information on the need for special food (vegetarian, lactose intolerant etc.).  Places are limited and taken as people register. Note that you have to register before the 3rd of November.


09:30-10:00 Registration and coffee
10:00-12:00 Introduction to RecoPark – Eva Stål, NSR AB
Introduction to D-Twin Baltic – Jörgen Held, Baltic Energy Innovation Centre
Pyrolysis – Ludvig Landen, BIOCHAR.TECH
Dual fuel engines – Marcus Lundgren, Lund University
SI engines – Hennadiy Zhuk, Gas Institute of NASU (online)
SI engines continuation – Olexeiy Verbovskij, Gas Institute of NASU (online)
Modelling and AI – Hesameddin Fatehi, Lund University
Feasibility studies – Adolfas Jancauskas, Lithuanian Energy Institute
Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme – Camilla Wristel, Swedish Institute
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Discussion – regular interreg project
14:00-15:00 Guided tour at RecoPark (and Filborna landfill)

Energy & environment